Kupang, E Nusa Tenggara (AntaraNews NTT) - A total of 200 people in Kupang City removed garbage from the Dendeng River in Fontei Urban Village, Kota Raja Sub-district, in commemoration of World Water Day themed Nature Preserve for Water.

Chairman of the Watershed Community Forum of Dendeng River Muhammad Hai Ril stated here on Thursday that his office had deliberately chosen Dendeng River as the location for the activity, as it is the largest river in Kupang (22/3).

"It is not only the people from Fontein Village but there were also residents from about eight villages around here that helped in the cleanup of the river," he noted.

The cleanup activity of Dendeng River, which was pioneered by the Nusa Tenggara II River Region Hall, intentionally involves the local people to remove garbage from the river, as there is a misconception that everything is the government`s task.

The garbage-cleaning activity in the river is also part of the initiative to raise awareness among people to care for the environment, especially to maintain cleanliness of the surrounding environment.

"This is also part of the efforts to educate our society to keep the environment clean, as maintaining cleanliness is a healthy habit," he added.

The cleanup action of the river involves not only the community and river authorities as well as the local sanitation service but also the Army and the National Emergency Management Agency.

Chief of Bakunase Rince Kase supported this activity, as in the rainy season, a lot of garbage is usually strewn around and ignored by the local people.

Three dump trucks have been readied to transport the garbage from the river.

Pewarta : Kornelis Kaha
Editor : Laurensius Molan
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