Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (Antara NTT) - A total of 83,712 domestic and foreign tourists had visited the Komodo National Park in West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, last year, according to local Tourism Office Chief Marius Ardu Jelamu.
"Of the overall 83,712 tourists visiting the Komodo National Park in Komodo Island in 2016, domestic tourist arrivals reached 54,335," Jelamu remarked here on Saturday.
The tourism office chief remarked that Kupang stood first, with 197,632 tourist arrivals last year, followed by Komodo Island.
Jelamu pointed out that the provincial city of Kupang, in addition to Labuan Bajo, was one of the gateways for tourists to the area, who then visit various tourism destinations on the islands of Timor, Rote, Alor, Sumba, Flores, and others.
Jelamu added that the overall tourist arrivals in East Nusa Tengara Province in 2016 had reached 882,395.
He said that based on the most recent data obtained from 22 districts and cities in the island province, tourist arrivals last year were recorded at 882,395.
Nevertheless, he added that the number was forecast to exceed 900,000, as it did not include the tourists who visited Kupang City and Ende District in December 2016.
Furthermore, Jelamu expressed optimism that the number of tourist arrivals in East Nusa Tenggara would reach more than one million in 2017.