Expert Reminds Government of Impact of Climate Phenomenon

id Bidadari

Expert Reminds Government of Impact of Climate Phenomenon

Leta Rafael Levis

"The government and other stakeholders need to improve the farmers` capacity to comprehend the climate phenomenon from season to season," Leta Rafael Levis, Saturday.

Kupang, E Nusa Tenggara (Antara NTT) - An agribusiness expert reminds the government of the obligation to make the Indonesia farmers more aware of the devastating impact climate phenomenon.

"The government and other stakeholders need to improve the farmers` capacity to comprehend the climate phenomenon from season to season," Leta Rafael Levis, from the University of Nusa Cendana (Undana) of Kupang said.

With the weather phenomenon El Nino, the people especially farmers in the country could no longer predict change in climate in the country that they did not know when they should start planting with less risk of flooding by heavy rains or lengthy drought, Leta said here on Friday.

One step needs to be taken is to support the program of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) which periodically provides education on climate to renew the memory of farmers about climate phenomenon, he said.

The program is a cooperation between BMKG and the Agriculture Service in the regions to channel information about climate to farmers, he said.

He said East Nusa Tenggara has 1,520,000 hectares of potential dry lands and 264,000 hectares of wet lands but not yet fully exploited.

He said based on climate history "Southern Osccilation Index (SOI)" period of El Nino was longer than period of La Nina in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997/1998 and 2007.